
Who is problem monk

Problem Monk is average human being, with supposedly average intellect, who is trying create a meaningful life and share his everyday thoughts with wonderful people like you. Problem Monk holds bachelor degree in Computer Science and Engineering. Problem Monk has been working with AI, ML, DL more than six years. As you probably might have guessed by now, our monk is little shy and not interested in getting attention. 

Sole purpose of this web portal is to connect with all of you guys, share little bit of knowledge we gained along the way. This portal doesn’t hold any grudges against anyone, not trying give any opinion that might bring up any harm to any being out there. If you find such content on this portal, feel free to reach out; we will remove such harmful content. 

English is our third language, so please be kind to our silly mistakes. Problem Monk likes to learn others languages as well, we might see future post in other languages too. Monk is new to web, we apologies in advance for the mistakes.

We look forward to your stay. Please feel to leave your messages and advise, We look forward to growing with your love and support.

Problem Monk

Why name is Problem monk

Problem Monk has lot of other names too, given by the people who love problem monk,  people who hate, or just by the people has habit of calling names. 

Our problem monk has wonderful master, very calm, very kind, very sweet, and of course very beautiful too. Master has all the attributes that you can find in veteran monk. After meeting our master we started following master. But its harder than it looks, monk is trying hard not to give up. We tried other names too, angry monk, lazy monk, crazy monk; guess what all are taken and problem monk fits the description. 

I hope this name doesn’t bother and harm anyone. And thanks to my very kind hearted master for the name.

Problem Monk